
She thought, Oh, Sean, where are you? Why don't you call? I'll just die if anything happened to you.
Dominique sighed and dialed his car phone number next. He must be on his way here.
But all she got was some rapid, loud clicking on the other end of the line. The phone rang once. The recording came on: "Your call cannot be completed at this time. The cellular customer you have called may have reached their destination or traveled beyond the service area. Please try your call later."
Another impossibility! Sean always turned his car phone on just as he always buckled his seat belt. Mrs. Greeley was a worrywart. Sean said that she always wanted to be able to reach him.
She tried her call again. This time somebody picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Sean, is that you?" she asked excitedly.
"Hey, who is this chick?" came a guy's voice. It was very low and gruff. Rather crude. It didn't sound like Sean at all. Then there was the sound of voices in the background. Lots of voices. More guys. There was some kind of argument going on. Somebody shouted. "Hang that damned thing up!" He slammed down the receiver.
Had she called the right number? She had it memorized. It was impossible she could have hit the wrong buttons. But then, who were these creeps? Was Mrs. Greeley right? Had some gang stopped Sean along the road and beat him up?
Why hadn't they let Sean answer the phone? Was he dead?
She thought, Oh, Sean, where are you? Why don't you call? I'll just die if anything happened to you.
Dominique sighed and dialed his car phone number next. He must be on his way here.
But all she got was some rapid, loud clicking on the other end of the line. The phone rang once. The recording came on: "Your call cannot be completed at this time. The cellular customer you have called may have reached their destination or traveled beyond the service area. Please try your call later."
Another impossibility! Sean always turned his car phone on just as he always buckled his seat belt. Mrs. Greeley was a worrywart. Sean said that she always wanted to be able to reach him.
She tried her call again. This time somebody picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Sean, is that you?" she asked excitedly.
"Hey, who is this chick?" came a guy's voice. It was very low and gruff. Rather crude. It didn't sound like Sean at all. Then there was the sound of voices in the background. Lots of voices. More guys. There was some kind of argument going on. Somebody shouted. "Hang that damned thing up!" He slammed down the receiver.
Had she called the right number? She had it memorized. It was impossible she could have hit the wrong buttons. But then, who were these creeps? Was Mrs. Greeley right? Had some gang stopped Sean along the road and beat him up?
Why hadn't they let Sean answer the phone? Was he dead?