Der Friedhof von Midnight Beach

Blurb Mary Beth says that if Maggie thinks she has the right stuff and wants to be part of their group, there is something she can do. It amounts to an initiation ceremony. All of them had to go through it to prove they were worthy. She must spend Friday night in the local cemetery beside the old church, and they will pick her up in the morning.
Maggie thinks it's a piece of cake and readily agrees. She tells her parents she's been invited to a slumber party at Mary Beth's house and takes off at dusk on Friday toward the town ice cream shop. She's supposed to meet Mary Beth's friends there and wait until midnight swapping stories about their nights in the cemetery. Then they are to see her off.
A tailgater follows her all the way to the ice cream shop shining his high beams into her car. She can't even see whether it is a boy or a girl, but she looses the wise guy as soon as she parks. But no sooner does she lock her car and put her keys into her back pocket, then she hears a voice calling her name.Somebody's standing at the end of the pier jutting out to sea. He won't go to her. The idea is to get her to come out there.
Maggie figures this was probably all part of the initiation. She can't chicken out now or she will be laughed out of school come Monday. So she starts out across the pier just as the fog is rolling in. It is like pea soup, and she can't see anything as she inches her way along. But when she reaches the end of the pier, no one is there. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" she sings out and says she's going back.
At that moment an icy hand claps down on top of her own. Maggie claims this is no fair. This doesn't seem like much of a game. But no one answers as Maggie starts to really panic. The beam comes on in the lighthouse tower and illuminates the pier just long enough for her to see two bloodshot, violet eyes staring back at her.
Maggie thinks it's a piece of cake and readily agrees. She tells her parents she's been invited to a slumber party at Mary Beth's house and takes off at dusk on Friday toward the town ice cream shop. She's supposed to meet Mary Beth's friends there and wait until midnight swapping stories about their nights in the cemetery. Then they are to see her off.
A tailgater follows her all the way to the ice cream shop shining his high beams into her car. She can't even see whether it is a boy or a girl, but she looses the wise guy as soon as she parks. But no sooner does she lock her car and put her keys into her back pocket, then she hears a voice calling her name.Somebody's standing at the end of the pier jutting out to sea. He won't go to her. The idea is to get her to come out there.
Maggie figures this was probably all part of the initiation. She can't chicken out now or she will be laughed out of school come Monday. So she starts out across the pier just as the fog is rolling in. It is like pea soup, and she can't see anything as she inches her way along. But when she reaches the end of the pier, no one is there. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" she sings out and says she's going back.
At that moment an icy hand claps down on top of her own. Maggie claims this is no fair. This doesn't seem like much of a game. But no one answers as Maggie starts to really panic. The beam comes on in the lighthouse tower and illuminates the pier just long enough for her to see two bloodshot, violet eyes staring back at her.